Cheonwongi(天元紀) Mar. 28, 9772 = May. 06, 2024 AD(西紀) 다음팟
HOME > Master Chungsan > Following his footsteps
Following his footsteps
Voice Recorded Lecture
Fuji TV Demonstation

Sundan is arranged in four stages which are Su修, Ryun練, Ji智 and Ji地. They are arranged in the orders of the dan power that has been earned through practice. In Su修, there are 1 Su修 to 6 Su修. In Ryun練 there are 1 Ryun練 to 6 Ryun練. In Ji智 there are 1 Ji智 to 10 Ji智. In Ji地 there are 1Ji地 to 15 Ji地. So from the first step-1 Su修 to the highest-15 Ji地, there are 37 steps. When one 完成finishes Joong-gi danbup and Gun-gon danbup, one achieves 6 Su修. When one finishes Wongi danbup, one achieves 6 Ryun練. When one finishes Jin-gi danbup, one achieves 10 Ji智 and one could enter 1 Ji地 when one goes over Sam-hap danbup or Jo-ri danbup and to the final 15 Ji地.
Therefore, to practice up to Sun-gong-bup仙功法 in 外功outside practice, one has to have at least over 1 Ji智 of 內功能力inner practice ability to be 可能able to 修練practice it.

As my motive of practicing 仙丹Sundan had been accidental, the start of outer practice resulted from an accident. As my stage of inner practice became higher, Master instructed me to do the outer practice gradually. But the start of it was merely an accident. I had a severe accident when I was practicing Gun-gon danbup. I was sitting on a high rock and practiced for many days and nights with my eyes closed. Suddenly I lost my mind and fell from a great height. I lay unconscious on the rocks below when Master came and gave me various emergency treatments. I eventually recovered my health from the treatments that Master gave me.
After that, special medical arts were the first outer practices that I learned. There were many techniques to heal or prevent diseases or accidents that might occur while practicing Dao. Knowledge of herbs, acupuncture, acupressure, finger pressing method and so on was the medical arts that I learned first. Needless to say, the fundamental way to prevent and cure disease is by the flow of energy itself.
There is a saying, "以道以治病Cure illness by Dao". Sundan is the prevention and healing of disease by Dao. Sundan is a primary form of healing and comes before medicine, acupuncture, or moxibustion. Symptoms which result from blockages at meridian points are naturally cured by good energy circulation through the meridians and to the whole body. But if one has not reached the level of Dao to be able to do this then we inevitably use herbs, acupuncture, or acupressure as a suitable method of healing. These treatments are more successful when done by a person with Dao power.
So I gradually began learning the outer practice methods starting from learning medical treatment techniques. In fact they were gradually practiced out of necessity. You would be surprised if I took my clothes off. My body is full of scars from struggling with rain, wind, heat, and cold. Moreover, fights with various types of fierce beasts left me with bite scars and claw scars all over my body.
The outer practice method can eventually be viewed as a battle technique to use on an enemy when you are in crisis. Master Chung-woon strictly prohibited killing any living thing without good reason and made me practice this method. He heeded me to only fight with beasts that tried to harm me without cause.
In battle one has to do the movements related to the techniques one is performing. The contents and forms are described in a separate book. There are many variations in movements. Bare hands, long needles, short knives and clubs each have their own techniques. In the mountains I used all weapons made from wood and trained in all these methods. However, one must not forget that the speed and accuracy of the defensive and offensive techniques do not come from the ability of the technique itself. These things come from the power of the inner practice.