Cheonwongi(天元紀) Mar. 11, 9772 = Apr. 19, 2024 AD(西紀) 다음팟
HOME > Master Chungsan > Following his footsteps
Following his footsteps
Voice Recorded Lecture
Fuji TV Demonstation

Yes. After completing Won-gi danbup that year I moved to many different places that fall. We lived in many places in So-baek and Bahk-dal Mountain caves and under rocks. I continued to devote myself and practiced ascetically. During that fall of 1952, my master said to me, "You are young but you have developed your mind and body enough to get yourself into Dao. You’ve developed to the state where your mind can lead your flesh which previously was a chunk of greed. From now on, you can practice the principle of Jin-gi danbup which leads you deep inside Dao.
I will tell you the essentials in short. Jin-gi danbup is based on circulating energy and evening the breath. In eastern metaphysical philosophy there are five operations in heaven and six energies in earth. The microcosm, which is the human body, has five vital organs
(kidney, heart, liver, lungs, and spleen) and six viscera (urinary bladder, small intestine, gall bladder, large intestine, stomach, and three fumes)."
To summarize the principle that I’ve been taught, let’s start with the concept of the five operations. The five elements are the basic ingredients that nature possesses.
The concept of six energies evolves from the five elements. As five element action transforms its character to the movement process above earth, another energy function evolves from this process. It is a sixth energy. The principles of the six energies are described and interpreted in the I-Ching. The complex principles of the six energies (positions, changes, and operations) cannot be explained in words right now.

I listened to these explanations as I practiced Jin-gi danbup.
“The creation of nature is boundless and infinite. But nature operates by its fixed rule of change. This is heaven's way. You should know that your body has just acquired the practice that makes the principles of creation and change of the five operations and six energies operate.

The proof of this accomplishment is the phenomena that the energy accumulated in your lower danjun circulates through the function and control vessels and then to the whole body. This is the creation of heaven and earth in your body. So therefore, put this principle in your heart and practice the circulation of the function and control vessels from time to time using Won-gi danbup's breathing of inhalation and exhalation beginning from the Chook hour丑時 (1am~3am) to the Oh hour午時 (11am~1pm).
Calmly do Won-gi danbup's inhaling and exhaling 9 times (9 breaths) and then circulate the function and control vessel 1 time. When 9 breaths and 1 circulation becomes proficient then do 8 breaths and 1 circulation. When that is proficient do 7 breaths and 1 circulation, then 6 and 1, 5 and 1, etc. Continue to practice until you can circulate the function and control vessel to the whole body with every breath. Practice haeng-gong with your eyes half-open (until this time, I’ve practiced with the eyes closed) and focus your eyes on one spot. Also focus your mind on one spot.” Master Chung-woon warned me as he made me practice.
I practiced techniques called 立丹Lip-dan, 座丹Joa-dan, 臥丹Wa-dan, 跧丹Jun-dan, and 空丹Gong-dan. Master Chung-woon always said to me,
"Dao is the principle of formation and substance of heaven and earth and can also be the principle of formation and substance of human beings. Human beings should follow Dao".
Chung-woon continued, "But among people there are those who do not know the correct way and those who know the way but violate it. These people don't follow the principles of heaven and earth and are not able to live their destined life. It is a sad matter. When one knows and follows Dao, then one unites with the principle of heaven and earth and becomes both the son and master of heaven and earth
This principle, called Sundo today, is the only true Dao of heaven, earth, and man. Some tried to teach this principle in the past but people would not follow. Eventually, even the people who practiced and realized Dao had to go into the mountains. However, when people in the east and west become clever enough they will know to follow this Dao. This Dao is not biased like religion, philosophy, or morality. It is the Dao (way) of life for anyone who wants to live their heavenly given life span by knowing and practicing. You should know that it is the 煉丹法Yeon-dan-bup (Dan development method) of 丹理Danli (Dan principle). It is the result of wisdom which has been improved by our Bae-dal people in ancient times.
And you should have the lofty aim of returning the favor of our ancestors who improved this Dao by practicing and handing it down to 後世future generations. And by reciting these words from time to time, your mind will not get lax. This is not like a magic spell. It is the attitude of wishing with the heart by means of respecting the grace of our ancestors."
Then Master Chung-woon recited,
"Instruct me in the immortal law. Spirits who went into the true origin, guide me to the great Dao. I wish with right and true heart that you would let me live and be joyful with you. I wish to learn and master by body so that I would be one with your spirit in the marvelously created heavenly lands."
He told me to occasionally recite this wish and called this the “心祝文Heart wishing chant."
Then Master Chung-woon told me that whenever I have distracting thoughts I should recite 6 words from my heart, "正心視覺道行 Jung-shim-shi-gahk-do-haeng". The meanings of these words are: Jung-shim正心(right heart), Jung-shi正視(rightly see), Jung-gahk正覺(rightly realize), Jung-Doh正道(right way), and Jung-haeng正行(rightly act). My practice of Dao gradually became very profound. The practice of Jin-gi danbup was an asceticism that lasted two full years. A normal person wouldn't stand one day of that ascetism. How I could put up with it could only be because of the power of my mind and practice.