Cheonwongi(天元紀) Apr. 1, 9772 = May. 08, 2024 AD(西紀) 다음팟
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Following his footsteps
Voice Recorded Lecture
Fuji TV Demonstation

In the fall of 1959 I re-entered the mountains but did not meet Master Chun Wun immediately. Instead, I first had the urgent matter of re-training. It was difficult to begin but results came very fast and in 3 months I started gaining flesh from raw food. Then I went to look for Master in Tae-baek Mountain and So-baek Mountain. I practiced all the danbups while I was looking for Master. Finally, in the summer of 1960 we met again on Ch-iak Mountain. As soon as we met I began practicing Sam-hap danbup again for almost 2 years. And then, in the early spring of 1962, I began practicing Jo-ri danbup.
Jo-ri danbup is practiced by combining the haeng-gong of Jin-gi danbup with the hang-gong of Sam-hap danbup. So, it is a very high level and deep stage of dobup (dao method). To summarize Jo-ri danbup’s law, energy inhaled through the skin is concentrated and accumulated at the danjun. Then the energy is circulated through the function and control vessel and then through all meridian points of the whole body. Jo-ri danbup cannot be practiced nor understood unless Jin-gi danbup and Sam-hap danbup have been completed.
I practiced Jo-ri danbub for a long time – a full 3 years. It demanded an infinite amount of patience. As master told me, maybe I was destined to practice Dao. The aceticism I went through often felt like it was more for a man’s will to get through. Now I cannot live without 仙丹Sun-dan (mountain man's dan)

After I completed Jo-ri danbup in the fall of 1965, Master's way of instruction had changed. He explained and demonstrated in detail the practices of Sam-chung danbup, Mu-jin danbup, and Jin-gong danbup and ordered me to practice them as he had explained. Then he said to me, "From now on, go anywhere freely as you will. Practice with care what you have learned, for there is no end to practice. We will meet naturally when it is necessary. When the time comes, descend the mountain and train people. And find a successor."
He gave me these orders and left.
After that I practiced continually, following the orders he gave to me. I traveled throughout the country and practiced in well-known mountains, big and small temples, and practice centers of all kinds. I descended from the mountains in 1967.

You know all about what I did after I came down from the mountains. I gave individual instruction, opened practice centers, and demonstrated 道力Dao powers throughout the country. Finally, on March 19, 1971, we registered under the title of Jung-Shin Dobup Education Association. The only task of the association was to teach and spread Jung-gahk-doh, the first stage of Sundan. We took the title Jung-gahk-doh and began educating people in the first step of 仙丹修練Sundan practice.